Friday, December 25, 2009

the internet is choking our social lives more and more everyday!!!

Today I realised the influence the internet has on our lives. It has changed us from socialising in physical presence to now cyber relationships which we are promoting more than seeing a person face to face. This is sad.......

After watching Surrogates by Ben Stiller I reflected on how we live today. There is no reason to believe that we will not end up like the people in the movie. Obviously taking away some of the fiction in the movie. To a certain extent we shall look for a way for us to do less work and stay at home and sleep or whatever we will do. Shockingly some parents are now saying contact sports are not suitable for young kids. Seriously? What? are you crazy! You want to take away the few things kids have left that dont involve some sort of electronic technology. If we kill off socialising at that age, what will happen to them when it is time for university. They wont know how to socialise and hence become angry when they are left out of activities. In the end we are breeding people who could become like the Columbine killers. oh i forgot by then everyone could be learning from home, working from home and living life at home. Aint that a thought.

A lot of people also try cyber dating. It is something i will never try for the following reasons: 1. You only learn a certain side to someone because he/she is sitting behind a screen so he/she can alter his/her responses. 2.I am not willing to risk talking to someone i cannot see. there are too many cyber attacks that take place. 3. How do you really know the person is faithful and has your interests at heart? cyber love and cyber friendship are taking over at the expense of our real relationships which have more intimacy. cyber relationships are creating a fake personality in people that they will not show in person. For some people they dont even post a real pic of themselves. It is also easy to play a role that you always wish to play but is not something about you. Why risk all these things?

Because of sites like facebook you can know a stranger more than people in your own house. e.g u get status updates about the person's activities, some will even put their emotions, you can chat as you are doing something else, people are more willing to reveal things to someone they cannot see so you tell each other things you might not tell your friends. That is sad. at some point we wont even make real efforts to maintain real friendship. I hope we can take a step back and fix things. I'm an active and adventurous person. I dont like the way my social life is dying in the hands of technology. Well, i will do my best to stop, but will u?

til we meet again

g-flexxx signing out...................

Thursday, December 3, 2009

We live in a world with boundaries

You can only be so clever to be considered normal otherwise people think you are
 mentally unstable
You can only be so crazy before people call you immature or lacking intellect
You are allowed to be so sociable and outgoing before people call you weird
You are allowed to be so confident before you are called arrogant
You are allowed to speak your mind so much before someone gets offended and destroys your life

The way I see it we are far from being developed socially. We are a confused people, collectively.
We are allowed to express ourselves so much before someone comes along and says sorry but thats not right for this world
Why dont we just shut up and live with clear boundaries and noone bothers to be himself or herself where you are given a script of how to live your life at certain points in life.
we are told to be ourselves but we cant.
To be yourself means that you are unpredictable
The Law doesnt like unpredictable people, it is difficult to control people that have many possibilities in the way they behave
A complex mind should be able to see that we are told to live so that we feel comfortable but really you can only do so much.

Express yourself and see what happens.
People are suspended from schools
Workers lose their jobs
SOmetimes for petty issues that dont even reflect how a person works
Your personal life doesnt even belong to u
It belongs to your society, law enforcers and employer.

There is disrespectful expression but I mean one that is not provoking
A person posting a status update or posting pictures from a get together does not harm anyone
Bureacracy is what runs the world. We have not achieved democracy. theoretically may be but not practically.

To end this, people must leave Tiger Woods alone. He is not obliged to tell us anything and we are not obliged to demand information from a person that is not serving a publicly appointed post.

til i return..........

G-flexxx signing out............

Monday, November 9, 2009

AAaahh please; Enough is enough!!!

Today is a Monday and unfortunately i just have to start the week annoyed. Women always complaining about men. Well excuse me if men are dogs then what are female dogs. Yes we all know that beautiful word. Female dogs are equally bad coz they go about receiving it from the whole neighbourhood. no questions.

I think people are looking for something to blame for not finding true love. As far as i'm concerned women steal men from each other so that already tells you something. Thats not the dudes fault. Thats your fault for not doing enough to keep your man and vice versa. Even if its sexual, it still means you were not doing something right. If all he wants is the physical things you should have picked it up earlier. People need to start taking responsibilities for some of the poor decision making that goes on these days. If you give sexual favours early into a relationship and the dude leaves you for someone else for the same reasons then change your strategy. Next time dont give someone anything. See how that works out. If the dude is quick to leave bravo. if he stays at least you have done something to help find out more about that person. Anything less than 6 months is not waiting.

The way i see it women keep making the same mistakes. Going for the same kind of guy or starting relationships the same way. learn from the past. apply it. remember it. Another problem is people take any feelings and think it will lead to something. we cant live like that. feelings come and go but you need to know the ones that will stay and change your life. You can find a person that you could like in every country but theres always that one that sticks out more than others. dont neglect that one because you have come across something thats new and interesting. most likely it will quickly become old and uninteresting .

For goodness sake also dont keep letting off someone for the same crimes. thats digging your grave. Pushing control over to his side. Some women make mistakes of forgiving after forgiving a person that will not let go of that misbehaving. Some women want to search too hard for the perfect man. sorry there isnt such a thing. Be realistic and go for the most realistic but has more of the qualities you want. If you live believing you will find your Knight in shining then go ahead. Walk into the night and across the plains of the world. The rest of us shreks will stay where we are. I hate fairytales. theres no fairytale in this world. relationships are hard. find a way to make yours work. you are definately not going to get it easy.

If you see that love isnt working, stop complaining and live. Some of us trying to make the most of what we have are tired of negativity. i aint particularly fond of a lot of women's actions. Some female friends do act inappropriately at times. Only people who have genuinely NEVER hurt a person of the opposite whether in or not in a relationship deserve to complain. I dont believe there are many of them. The rest of you suck it up and wise up. Its like a thief complaining that hes been robbed. Well duh..... you are a thief too aren't you. The trend is spreading to little girls who dont even know what they are talking about saying men are useless. A person who cant identify their problems and weaknesses is useless. thats what a brain is for.

My posts are getting more and more angry...... what is this world doing to me

G-flexxx signing out..............

Thursday, October 29, 2009

back in it................

Man its been so long I dont even remember how it's done. Anyway no worries. So what is on my mind today? time for some flexxxpression.......... here it goes.

It is 2.18 am atlantic time here in Charlottetown, Canada. My mind is buzzing with ideas but one is at the top of all discussion topics. The topic bothering me is the one of profile status updates on facebook. I know you are supposed to let people know what is going on with you but damn some people are taking it to extreme lengths. All the people pouring out their emotions through their status updates you are over doing it. We understand that you are going through a lot. That is why we are there to talk to. Dont make it punishment!

Do not overwhelm us with status updates which can be a little annoying. We all have problems and no person has problems better than the other. Some people are using their profiles to make their lives seem like hell. Well if it's that much hell give up ur body parts to people who care and need them. Do not live life to complain all the time. Live to accomplish something. How many years have people been living on this earth. The only people that we know about their problems are those who were great. They did things that changed the world so may be it is about time you changed the world and then tell us about all the things you encountered. Frankly relationship problems are problems for the whole world. Everyone who is old enough to date has them. May be you need to make a change in your life.

hopefully tomorrow i can carry on with a more positive post! short but to the point.

g-flexxx signing out.................

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oh come on, give us a break!

Back in it with some more flavour. It is me, G-flexxx writing on lifes issues. I will give you a brief explanation of where the name came from and what it has become lately. The name G-flexxx came from my good friend Kudzai Guri who gave it to me back in 2004 during our high school days. He thought it described my personality so i took it on to make it my alter ego and bring out my energy! That fire and desire comes out through my alter ego. Nothing bad but a little confidence. So today has touched a little sensitive nerve in my body! I was having a conversation with some of my friends from my country about the music industry and how things turn out. We spoke about some of the artists that have suffered from a flop after such a successful beginning to the career. The conversation turned to why Zimbabwe has not prooduced some of the most successful people in the world that are on the levels of billionaires and multi millionaires. here it goes

Coming from Africa i believe we have a billion and one problems that exist in our heads let alone outside our heads. Some of our mentalities are backward and do not suit those of the first world that is why other countries are moving forward and we move backward. Life is difficult. Life is not fair. The human world is about who you know and where you come from. Social classes keep people where they are because those at the top do their best to stay there. But life does not just end like that. You do not see the rich staying rich and the poor staying poor. People move up and down the socail classes all the time. How many times do we laugh at successful people falling hard because of failure and ending up poorer than the average person. I see some of the things that are keeping Zimbabweans where they are and not progressing.

Firstly, collectively as Zimbabweans we do not chase after our dreams to the fullest. We make a move for our dreams but we do not chase them. Looking at other nationalities you can see the kind of determination they have to make it in life. Zimbabweans chase after things but we do not chase after our dreams. I do not believe we sacrifice enough for what we want to do. Tv shows like So You Think Can Dance and American Idols show us the extremes of determination. Some people sleep outside an audition location just to have that opportunity. Some people go and dance with injuries just to prove their worth. Why cant we do that as a people? We like to go after things with security. So many of us are going to be accountants, business people, doctors and lawyers. We do not like things that do not have answers. Life does not have easy answers, you have to search for them and find out what they are. We all have desires to be something else but we dont try our best to make them happen. We try hard but not our best. Some of our actors have made it to hollywood so we need to ask exactly what it took to make it there. I'm pretty sure they will tell us that it was through hard work, sacrifice and taking opportunites.

A person does not need a million opportunities to make it in life but when you see an opening you must go for it no matter how small because it can lead you to others. May be other people have problems identifying an opportunity. I guess i had that problem once in my life because it is only later when another person utilises it then you think of a situation when you had something similar. I wont lie, I am working towards taking it and making it my own. Working to be the next best thing. I cannot live thinking that because I am from an average background i wont make it in life. So those coming from the ghetto do what then. Do not blame lifes pressures for where you are and where you think you are headed. Look at your life and think of ways you can improve it. If you dont know look at someone around you that you can see is doing well. Ask that person what they are doing right so that you know what you can work on to improve your life.

Everyone has contacts so what? We can all use the excuse I didnt have contacts when we dont make it in life. Jump on the horse and show your worth. Thats what shows how great you are. Look at Nigerian musicians making a name for themselves through Mtv. They mastered business and the results are easily seen even though their country is not in the best situation, I think it is a country to look out for in the future. Hopefully they get over many of their problems to become a powerhouse out of Africa. People need to stop coming up with excuses coz I think there are people with worse experiences than those of a Zimbabwean. It may come out like an attack on people but its a time people must think outside the box. Dont see yourself as an addition to a population but as an individual striving to achieve something. All the time and effort in schools wasnt just fluke. Its time to open your eyes and see whats happening in this world cause I'm sure your are missing something if you are not happy with where you are. See the opportunities. Open up your mind so that you can see things like never before. Forget the conditions you grew up in. Times change and the world changes with it.

Til next time, I hope I leave my readers with something to think about
G-flexxx signing out...........

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How long must this carry on for!

Yestersay on 6 March 2009 marked the day of another controversy in Zimbabwean territory! A subject i cannot speak completely free about for obvious reasons! I am a Zimbabwean national who has his country at heart and I hope to see a country of promise restore its position as the bread basket of Africa. i shall write on some things that are disappointing and I feel need to be talked for the better of the masses who reside in Zimbabwe. Today I will write about disappointmens in Zimbabwe rocked by events of 6 March 2009.

I am not proud of African politics because it is not developed to meet the standards of a civilised people. It is no doubt that Africans are a civilised people as we achieved some of the same acolades achieved by Europeans, Americans and the likes. Why is it that in the field of politics we are not progressing. Africa is plagued by constant fighting over resources, power and leadership. North to South, East to West there is this problem. Majorly in countries such as Kenya, Swaziland, Guinea, Ivory Coast, D.R.C and Rwanda, not forgetting Zimbabwe itself. I would like to acknowledge the determination of a man who has gone through a lot of troubles just to put across his beliefs and desires. Although i am not fond of his leadership qualities I am fond of his strong will to improve Zimbabwe. He lost his wife in a car accident that took place yesterday on his way to Buhera. His wife was someone who accompanied him to rallies, events, court rulings and in his campaigns. It is a sad huge loss for Zimbabwe and I hope her strength remains in Morgan Tsvangirai as he recovers and carries on in his duties as Prime Minister.

It is difficult to make a judgement of the accident to determine whether it was an accident or not but i cannot say i believe either of the political sides. Some say it was set up for him to die but look at Zimababwean roads. How many people have we lost this year alone in the 3 months we have encountered. I know of 5 people who died because of car accidents. Wat makes Morgan Tsvangirai untouchable. It could have been a genuine accident. Although the lorry that hit their car is a bit questionable as to why it hit Tsvangirai's car worst. On the other hand it is difficult for a car in the middle of a convoy to avoid an oncoming vehicle. BBC news has been showing videos of the President going to visit the Prime Minister in hospital which is good for rival figures. What I found strange was all the political figures who are against the Prime Minister were also there to pass on their condolences. The same people that spend days and nights torturing each other with lawsuits and violence then going to visit that person in hospital. Isnt it more productive for people to clash with words rather than with resources and violence and then put on a fake smile for us on tv to show remorse. We need to see growth from these people. If you can go on the news and say bad things about someone, how do you get remorse when that person is suffering in hospital after losing what was a rock in their life.

Politicians behave like children fighting over isues that can be discussed in a day. They all lose loved ones because of this fighting which at times does not achieve anything. It causes deep pain. They fight to remove each other from positions, fight to get someone banned from movement yet they can mingle in a room where they wear their smart suits but fail to come to an agreement. Yet millions of people have to wake up and think of what their breakfast will consist of. Not because they are undecided but because there isnt anything to eat so they must look for something to eat. What I cannot believe is that a very small group of people is controlling a nations wealth. How do you live in a world where you do not notice the consequences of your actions. How do you not wake up one day and say these are my people, they deserve better! how do you not say enough is enough there are other people in this country who must live. Up to 7 million people may not have enough food to eat this year. They will need aid from the same organisations that are restricted from operating freely. I am a person that has a heart to help those that need it. I hope in my quest for a good life I can help those that do not have the opportunity to get an education and travel the world.

Some of the events that take place in Zimbabwe inspire me to take a role in politics. Unfortunately it would be contradiciting the works of family members which would put them in very tricky positions. I shall watch from a distance but I will make my voice heard in the struggle for a better Zimbabwe. Those that do take this initiative please can you take responsinility and put your country first and do your job!

R.I.P Susan Tsvangirai!!! your works are truely appreciated

Watch this space
G-flexxx signing out.................

Monday, March 2, 2009

Who r u?

I'm back again to get the ball rolling. make things more interesting. Bring out new things that i want to talk about! A Pastor from the Celebration Church graced us with his presence here in Malaysia and challenged us as youths to ask ourselves who we r. Thats the topic for today!

It is easy today for us to say we know who we are but if we are to write out who we are it may take more than just a swift movement of the hand across the page. Well in my case ive had to constantly ask myself who I am because of negative vibes from 3rd parties. Unfortunately I am a reserved person when it comes to personal issues. I know its natural for us to want to tell someone a story that we here elsewhere. It can be termed gossiping but we like to share as people. Its natural and i dont blame people for sharing but its how you share. Some people share as to denounce or destroy and I am not one to say that I am not guilty of such acts. I do try my best not to speak lowly of someone. If i really have to air my view I tell the same few people. The point is sometimes people end up shaping up your character because you constantly try to create this image that you are wonderful and perfect. we all honestly know noone is perfect but we never seize to judge.

The same judgements hurt the same people we look upon for help. Instead of looking at things at a more constructive view we like to criticise strongly. I am a person that goes for different things. I try to stick out of the crowd. There were some disgusting things people said when i had the crazy hair over the last 2 years. What i dont understand is that the same people went and did the same thing. I then wonder so what made it so bad on me that it works on you. Ridiculous jealousy or whatever it is must be bottled and kept in that small head of that person. I know who i am so those things to me pushed me on to do it more just so that they spent that bit longer talking about me. Pretty lame but hey hate mail is better than no mail. It will push me on to get what i am destined to get. My character is strong and will push me on to dreams some of you never thought i would have or may achieve. If you find yourself doing something that is different but morally correct then go ahead because you are different. Dont be another spot in the crowd. Dont spend time picking out what makes someone different. Make yourself different. When Bill Gates came up with the plan that every home will have one of his computers some punk even in his circle of trust looked at him and said your on drugs. What does that tell you?

There are times when we do things we feel are things right for us and although it doesnt quite fit into our life we try make it fit. It can come in any form. Whether it is a person you want to date, clubbing etc. Leave it if its not for you. It does take a long time to adjust to that change but when you do, you will notice the difference. Ive held onto things and I ask myself all the time why am I holding onto this. Its poison to my juice. Pour it down the drain. Its not adding to your dreams but slowing them down or even stopping them from being fulfilled. You may feel your purpose but that thing stops you from fulfilling it. I hope I have found that purpose that will support my passion for helping people. Move on with your head high because everytime you meet rotten air it should be missed by the nose. Where you are going has more importance than the polluted air circulating your nostrils.

Lose those people that shatter your dreams, those people who say what makes you think you can do it. lose those people who say just because you are from Zimbabwe, Africa or poor background you cant go where you plan to go. lose those people who say black people, asians and latinos are stupid, lazy and uneducated. Some of the people its through their failures that they discourage others to go for their dreams. In Malaysia theres a big problem with this issue as well as in Zimbabwe. I know so from some of my close friends who get discouraged for their plans to travel the world just because they are black or Zimbabwean. If you are going to do something, do it full heartedly and not half heartedly! There are haters, there are jealous dogs and envious rats but brush it off like dirt. Thats what they are!

Friday, February 27, 2009

How we wish things were really like that!

Today marks the day of my first blog. I have chosen to write on an experience of mine from yesterday 26/2/09. It took place in one of my lectures. We were doing group work and I happened to be in a group of girls and I was the only dude. I dont know how long distance relationships came up as the topic but next thing they were talking about it. For once i could sit and enjoy womens point of view when it comes to relationships. It sparked interest in me to write a blog about it!

Truthfuly, as I sat there listening to their views, i constantly reflected on the things i hear from friends, cousins and even lecturers. Funny enough lecturers open up with their own experiences of romance. Although there was a general view on long distance relationships not everyone thought the same. One of the girls admitted that long distance relationships with someone even in a neighbouring country is a daunting task for her. It made me wonder. So the chance of you being with a person lies on the fact that you are in the same place but in the event that person leaves for another country it becomes a waste. It becomes a game. my only question is then so what do you say about all the stuff you built when you were together? Unless if its something you both agree that it is dating for fun then that makes sense. But in a situation where you are looking for love then each experience is not an environment for love. You want something thats convenient. Does that mean love is convenience? woooooo............. great question. Unfortunatley i did not ask the person because i wanted them to speak as much as they could before i interrupt and they have to start altering what they say.

Another girl seemed like she believed in it by her body language. What she spoke of seemed to conflict with what her body said. To all those people at this point thinking how was her body saying something and is that possible. Yes it is possible, her facial expressions showed a person that has hope of finding the right person for her who even if was a million miles away, she would abide with. The way she sat showed someone who seemed a bit vulnerable. Everytime something was said she would zone out for a few seconds to relate to her own expreriences. Her body was folding in like she was hurting at the thought of some experience. I assume thats what made her agreed with the other girls that long distance relationships dont work. The reason for this denouncing is because there is a lack of trust for a lover. There is always the question what if the person is cheating. Frankly, i feel that distance hasnt always go to do with the way a person will behave. If someone wants to cheat it's not because you are not there. They will do that even when you are there. Few people would genuinely cheat because they want someone to comfort them. Why dont you just let the other person go before you delve into your items but hey we are humans and humans make mistakes. It would make the world that little bit happier.

I will end my blog at this point due to lack of time but i shall return ASAP with a new topic. I hope i have touched a nerve in you. Thats the point. Comment as openly as possible, I'm not a journalist with a rep at stake! It will improve as I find ways to bring out my thoughs more.

Watch this space!!!
G-flexxx signing out..................