Monday, October 18, 2010

Ladies but why...............................

Im up late on facebook and I see something that triggers a thought. I think its about time ladies start accepting some of their decisions about men are appauling. WTF i mean come on. its not even the guy only to blame. What were you thinking? flexxxpression here we go!

The funny thing is that sometimes it's the ones that want to be gangsta about the decisions they make in terms of relationships. I will never let a guy hurt me blah blah blah, blah blah, blah blah. I've seen my friends get hurt and I'm not that stupid. YEAH RIGHT! stick that on your forehead. There are high chances that someone reading this post is in a messed up situation and they will keep blaming the guy. You made a bad decision and accept it. Get out before it gets worse.

When you are looking at someone, look at them like its an investment. Because if you are going to spend 60% of your free time with this person then you must get something real out of it. If in the 40% that you are not with the person and half of that time is spent stressed. And at the end of the day you break up, all in all you wasted 80% of your free time on something that didn't materialize. You might as well spend that time that time thinking about your life.

Anyway coming back to the story. ladies please use your head not your heart. all these people that say do what your heart tells you dont tell you that your heart doesn't take things literally. I don't like giving relationship advice cause most of the time i think that the person doesn't deserve to be in that situation. I'm not God so I will not tell you to leave that person. all that is up to you but what I will try to do is make you realize that you are paining more than you get pleasure.

Life is not a fairytale. The strong ones move on and the weak ones fall off. Take your time to find the right person. The right guy does not need to go about spraying bullets and hoping that he catches something. The right guy is a sniper and picks out his target carefully. The shot fired is precise and makes the kill that wins the war. No point going around hurting the innocent who go on to hurt more innocent. In the end no one wins. Just a bunch of bitter people blaming each other. Which takes me back to where I started.

The sad thing is my closest friends are also in there situations. Please open your eyes and see..................

Lets start accepting our mistakes and making better decisions

G-flexxx signing out