This is a post of a different kind, We are in a time of revolutions. Some may call it the beginning to the end of the world based on revelations from the Holy Bible. Some may say its a time that there is a power shift as developing countries become more advanced. And it has also been said that it is a revolution sponsored by western powers. I do not advocate violence of any sort and i hope the countries involved can recover and move on to enjoy their achievements.
For the rest of us that are not part of a revolution and you feel like you are not doing anything to change this world then i ask that you consider my suggestions. This goes out mainly to people from Zimbabwe and those of African descent but people from other places can take up the initiative as well. A lot of people i know from Zimbabwe are blessed in their lives. They never have to worry about getting basic necessities. On the other hand everyday we drive past people who are not close to that. People that worry about getting one meal a day yet we never think of them. Lets put together some of our resources to help people where we come from. Lets start a Love Revolution where we give back to our people.
Money donations, food and clothes are some of the things we can give back to people who need it more. It does not have to be the biggest contribution. We are not all Bill Gates but regular small amounts from many people make a difference. Many children's homes, seniors homes and other types of homes in Africa do not get enough funding. They cannot depend on foreign help only. If we can all give something and change at least one person's life then we can inspire millions if not more.
I will be starting my initiative for Harare Children's Home. I have pledged to collect clothes that people do not wear and to take them home with me. I will also give food donations from the farm owned by my parents. All this was provoked by a great friend of mine. Her dad served the country until the day he left us. In a way I owe it to people like him because i wouldn't have some of these opportunities if he had not fought for our independence.
All those people that i have appealed to i hope you will take the next step.
G-flexxx signing out.............................
Good read time to give back :)