Theres a very interesting debate that has been going on in the past few years about the word NIGGER. Personally i have a different view than most people. I'm gonna address it. I know some people are thinking OH NO HE DIDNT GO THERE. well yes I am. lets do this...............
Personally I have experienced racism in all four continents I have visited. The word Nigger to me is not just a word. its a word that represents a mind set. its a word that comes with a belief. it doesnt matter if u get rid of the word. another one will come by. People need to stop worrying about how people use it and worry about how to change this stupid belief thats passed on from generation to generation. The experiment that was done with the kid to see which doll she would get between black and white just tells us that it begins at a young age. You may not train a baby to be racist but the way you behave can influence a baby to be racist without even knowing. By the time that person grows up it will be natural. its what they know. its not acting out of rage or whatever. It's acting out of nature. It's inevitable that we all have some sort of culture that we will not like. It doesn't make you a bad person. What makes you a bad person is public degradation of that culture.
People that live up to expectations of the word NIGGER are the ones that disappoint me. We need to rid of some behaviors that leave people vulnerable for discrimination. Some of the immature behavior exemplified by the rappers we listen to everyday is just causing this discrimination. The things they do influence how we are treated to a large extent. Lets not be naive and think that these people who are more than knee deep in the lavish life mostly don't use that to show growth and development. Most end up broke when they careers die. Few know what it takes to handle their finances.Lets rid of being known for buying rims and ridiculous chains that don't help us one bit. I don't expect 100% support, not even 20% but the people that think what I am saying is appropriate then I respect you. I'm tired of people looking down on us. We are taken advantage of and we do not speak out. We need people to be real. YES BE REAL. IF YOU SEE THAT YOU ARE NOT GETTING THE REAL DEAL SPEAK OUT. No one is any one else's master. even pets have rights so a human being must speak out louder than a pet.
I dont know why it comes as a shock every time a star from Hollywood does something racist. There is a little bit of racism in everyone. Its the level thats the problem. Those that say and do crazy things must go to rehab the same way they sent that actor from Greys Anatomy to rehab for calling a co star a fag. Is it not fair that a man that does that kind of wrong doing should be put at par with one that says racist slurs? Like that former Seinfield actor that had an outburst on stage. I'm sorry but that act is not forgivable just like that. I would like to see him serve a term in rehab. stick him in the middle of a New Orleans ghetto and ask him to say NIGGER to someone if he doesnt want to do that. That would be a nice way for him to learn a lesson. Even Dog the bounty hunter, I've lost respect for you sir. I cant believe you got your show back after things you said. Going on Larry King and crying doesnt fix what you said. Your mind set is still the same. Even if we take away the word nigger, the nigger mentality remains. Rehab for you too sir. Dont try straighten out other people when you have your own dirt in your closet.
Racism will always be an issue but reducing the level of discrimination is something we should look towards. People imagine a world where everyone is brown. Well lets see how that goes but I see the world ending before even half is mixed. I want to speak out on all the people that stick poor black babies for the sake of poverty. Excuse me but every race has poverty issues so can you please put more races on that same ad. thank you. I want to speak out to all the people that make it seem like Africa = Poverty. NO Africa = people who have not spoken yet. Our time shall come and everyone knows how loud Africans can speak. I want to speak out to all the people that look down on us Black people. If you have not noticed the influx of black people in every country, watch what we are going to do next. Its my time to support all the people doing great things. If I never make it in life, I know I am fighting for the recognition of my people. Hate or love it life aint easy. I will use my ability to put words together and direct it towards a better cause.
Ummmmmm i just realized that people are more willing to give money to an organization that sticks black kids on their campaigns but turn their heads when someone says aye please help out the people in your community, WOW. seriously!!! And i'm not talking out my backside. This really happens. I would love to do a study to prove it. Well the black kid is going to give to the community and go back and give to his community of birth just to show the rest of the world that we give to all.
Peace to all the people that show me love. Everyday we learn something; I learn something new every time I meet someone. If you are reading this, teach me something I dont see about this world.
Til the voice speaks again.....................
G-flexxx signing out...........................